Java – Search YouTube using YouTube Data API on Ubuntu No.82

In this blog, how to search YouTube videos using YouTube Data API on Ubuntu is shown. Java application is executed in Visual Studio Code on Ubuntu. ▼1. How to get API Key for YouTube Data API After creating a project and enabling YouTube Data API v3 API, API key can be generated. please refer to the following documents or another blogs. ▼2. Prerequisites 2-1. Install JDK Install Java 8 openjdk x64 of zulu Set environment variables Use vi editor like “vi ~/.bashrc” and add below in ~/.bashrc export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-x64/ Check the value of $JAVA_HOME 2-2. Install Visual Studio Code 2-3. Install Maven Apache Kafka Word Count – Java No.44 “2-3. … Continue reading “Java – Search YouTube using YouTube Data API on Ubuntu No.82”