Python -Create, write and read file -VS Code on Ubuntu No.35

How to create, write and read a file using Python in Visual Studio Code on Ubuntu is shown in this blog. ▼1. Creating, write and read a file using Python open() function is used to create a file or edit a file. there are 2 elementary parameters of open() Python function for specifying a file name and the mode of a file operation. There are some modes as below. Mode Description ‘r’ open for reading (default) ‘w’ open for writing, truncating the file first ‘x’ open for exclusive creation, failing if the file already exists ‘a’ open for writing, appending to the end of file if it exists ‘b’ binary mode ‘t’ text … Continue reading “Python -Create, write and read file -VS Code on Ubuntu No.35”

Python – Using Visual Studio Code on Ubuntu No.34

How to run python code in Visual Studio Code on Ubuntu is shown in this blog. ▼1. Let’s write python code in Visual Studio Code In Visual Studio Code, there are many available programming languages. e.g) Java, C, C++, Python etc on Windows OS, Mac OS and Linux. in this case, I will try to use python. Python doesn’t require compile and it’s an interpreted language. Ref: Get Started Tutorial for Python in Visual Studio Code ▼2. Prerequisites 2-1. Using Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS Ref: 2-2. Installing Visual Studio Code Ref: 2-3. Installing Python extension Ref: Get Started Tutorial for Python in Visual Studio Code Confirming the installed python … Continue reading “Python – Using Visual Studio Code on Ubuntu No.34”

Python – Creating sample data in SQL Server on Ubuntu No.62

How to create sample data in SQL Server on Ubuntu is shown in this blog. These steps are available for Windows OS, too. ▼1. What is Microsoft SQL Server ? There are many kinds of SQL Server. for example, Azure SQL Database in cloud, Azure Synapse Analytics – SQL pool (SQL Data Warehouse) and on-premise SQL Server on Azure Virtual Machine (VM) etc We can find the version of SQL Server and hot fixes in this site Microsoft SQL Server Versions List . as Free trial version, SQL Server Express edition on Windows and Linux are available. On windows OS, we can download Express edition by clicking “Download Now”. SQL2022-SSEI-Expr.exe … Continue reading “Python – Creating sample data in SQL Server on Ubuntu No.62”

Python – WordCloud in Japanese – VS Code on Ubuntu No.90

How to implement Word Cloud in Japanese using python in Visual Studio Code on Ubuntu is shown in this blog. ▼1. What is WordCloud? WordCloud is a visualization tool to show the valuable word using the size of a word based on the frequency. The wiki of 2022 FIFA Qatar world cup is used for the wordcloud in Japanese. 2022 FIFAワールドカップ ▼2. Prerequisites 2-1. Preparing for Python environment Python – Visual Studio Code の利用 No.34 2-2. Installing WordCloud 2-3. Downloading Japanese Font IPAex フォント Ver.004.01 | 一般社団法人 文字情報技術促進協議会 ( 2-4. Copying Japanese text from Wiki Textjpnv2.txt file is created by copying text from this Wiki. 2022 FIFAワールドカップ Wikipedia 2-5. … Continue reading “Python – WordCloud in Japanese – VS Code on Ubuntu No.90”