Python – Put data in MySQL into Azure Blob Storage No.102

How to put the results of select query for MySQL into Azure Blob Storage using Python is shown in this blog. ▼1. Saving data in MySQL into Azure Blob Storage In the past, how to save data in MySQL into a local file using Python was shown in the following blog. in this case, the target of saving data is Azure Blob Storage. Python – Save data of MySQL into a local file  No.99 ▼2. Prerequisites How to create an environment to run python code for MySQL is shown in this blog. Python – Connect to MySQL on Ubuntu 20.04 by pyodbc No.98 ▼3. Python code to save data in … Continue reading “Python – Put data in MySQL into Azure Blob Storage No.102”

Python -Save data in SQL Server into Azure Blob Storage No96

How to save the results of select statement into Azure Blob Storage after connecting to SQL Server on Ubuntu through pyodbc using python is shown in this blog. ▼1. Saving data in SQL Server on Ubuntu into Azure Blob Storage Based on the previous blog using Java as below, pyhon code is shown to save the results of select statement into Azure Blob Storage. Java – Save the results of select query on SQL Server into Azure Blob Storage No.75 ▼2. Prerequisites How to build an environment using Python is shown below. Python – How to connect to SQL Server on Ubuntu No.92 ▼3. Developing Python code to save the … Continue reading “Python -Save data in SQL Server into Azure Blob Storage No96”

Java –Save records for MySQL into Azure Blob Storage No.86 

In this blog, how to save the results of select query for MySQL into Azure Blob Storage by Java. ▼1. Prerequisites 1-1. Install MySQL and create a table with some records Java – Connect to MySQL on Ubuntu and run select query No.80 # Create a table with some records mysql> CREATE DATABASE testdb; mysql> USE testdb; mysql> create table testtbl (c1 int, c2 int); mysql> insert testtbl values(1,1),(2,2),(3,3); mysql> select * from testtbl; +——+——+ | c1 | c2 | +——+——+ | 1 | 1 | | 2 | 2 | | 3 | 3 | +——+——+ 3 rows in set (0.00 sec) ▼2. Save the results of select for … Continue reading “Java –Save records for MySQL into Azure Blob Storage No.86 “

Java – Download files from Azure Blob Storage No.27

In this blog, How to download files from Azure Blob Storage using Java is shown. ▼1. List file names and download files from Azure Blob Storage Using IntelliJ IDEA 2021.1.2 (Community Edition) on Ubuntu , Java application lists files on Azure Blob Storage and downloads these files. ▼2. Prerequisites 2-1. Installing Java 8 JDK Azul Zulu OpenJDK Java 8 (LTS) is supportable on Azure Service. steps of installation are shown in this document. Download Azul Zulu Builds of OpenJDK | Azul 2-2. Free trial Azure account for Azure Blob Storage Azure free account FAQ 2-3. Connecting to Azure Blob Storage using Azure Storage Explorer Creating Container and putting the file … Continue reading “Java – Download files from Azure Blob Storage No.27”

Java – Save the results of select query on SQL Server into Azure Blob Storage No.75

I will show Java code that save results of select query on SQL Server into Azure Blob Storage. ▼1. Copy data on SQL Server into Azure Blob Storage Azure Data Factory (ADF) is a good and easy way to copy data on SQL Server into Azure Blob Storage. please refer to this document. in this blog, I will show Java code to do it instead of ADF. Ref: Copy and transform data to and from SQL Server by using Azure Data Factory or Azure Synapse Analytics ▼2. Prerequisites We execute select query on SQL Server for Ubuntu. 2-1. Installation of SQL Server on Ubuntu Ref: Quickstart: Install SQL Server and … Continue reading “Java – Save the results of select query on SQL Server into Azure Blob Storage No.75”

Java – Save the results of select on Azure Cosmos DB SQL API into Azure Blob Storage No.74

I will show Java code that save results of select query as a JSON file into Azure Blob Storage. In the previous blog, I shared how to save results of select query on Cosmos DB as a JSON file into the local path. in this blog, I will save results into Azure Blob Storage. ▼1. Migration data from Cosmos DB to Azure Blob Storage We can migrate data from Cosmos DB to Azure Blob Storage using dt.exe or dtui.exe easily. this document is helpful for these migration. but I will share you how to migrate data on Azure Cosmos DB into Azure Blob Storage using Java. Ref:  Tutorial: Use Data … Continue reading “Java – Save the results of select on Azure Cosmos DB SQL API into Azure Blob Storage No.74”