Python -Run a transactional query in MySQL on Ubuntu No.103
How run a transactional query in MySQL on Ubuntu using Python is shown here. Contents ▼1. Run a transactional query in MySQL on Ubuntu▼2. Prerequisites▼3. Creating Python code to insert data with False of “autocommit” in MySQL on Ubuntu3-1. Creating Python code3-2. Results3-3. Confirming results of select query by connecting to MySQL from a terminal3-4. Results when commit is executed3-5. Confirming results after connecting to MySQL from a terminal.▼4. Reference▼1. Run a transactional query in MySQL on Ubuntu Regarding SQL Server on Ubuntu, how to execute a transactional query using Java and Python were shown in the past. regarding MySQL on Ubuntu, pyodbc is used for the connection to MySQL. … Continue reading “Python -Run a transactional query in MySQL on Ubuntu No.103”