Apache Kafka – Develop Producer Java application No.66
How to develop Producer application by Java on Visual Studio Code is shown in this blog. Contents ▼1. Apache Kafka ▼2. Prerequisites▼3. Develop Producer Java application3-1. Make a directoryMake a directory to develop an application.3-2. Create a project using Apache Maven3-3. Remove the App.java and AppTest.java files3-4. Update pom.xml file3-5. Develop Producer application3-6. Execute Producer application3-7. Retrieve the generated data▼4. Reference▼1. Apache Kafka Ref: Apache Kafka ▼2. Prerequisites Install Apache Kafka 4 nodes No.42 Apache Kafka Word Count – Java No.44“2-3. Installing Apache Maven” ▼3. Develop Producer Java application This producer Java application write events from 1 to 100 into a topic. 3-1. Make a directoryMake a directory to develop … Continue reading “Apache Kafka – Develop Producer Java application No.66”