I will show the result of performance on Nov 2022 about my Robo Advisor WealthNavi in this blog.

Here is a public result of the investment performance by WealthNavi.
In my case, Risk 3 is chosen. as the result of it, Percentage change is +50%

What is the result of my investments by Robo Advisor – WealthNavi on Nov 2022?
Before answering this question, I will provide you my history of this investment.
- Starting from Jun on 2017
- Starting with 1 million yen
- Choosing Risk 3
- Monthly deposit
For now, the result of my investment on Nov 2022 is here.
Down from the public performance by WealthNavi!

About Portofolio

At last,
I will show the results of my investments using Tumitate NISA in Japan.
Now the result of it is + 57,441.28 Yen (+6.38%) . on July 2022, the result was + 64,950.26 Yen (+8.47 %)

That’s all. Have a nice day ahead!